The Pizza Code Mystery ARG Wiki
C2a4x pizzalie graffiti


  • A recurring message found throughout the game.
  • Possibly it's a clue/code as when looked at upside down the capitalised letters read 1317 d, but this is a tenuous link with nothing else to back it up.
  • Stored as c2a4x_pizzalie_graffiti.vtf in ***\steamapps\sourcemods\BMS\materials\decals (2012 Mod Release) or ***\steamapps\common\Black Mesa\bms\bms_textures_dir.vpk -> materials\decals (Steam Release) (where *** is the Steam Library location), viewable with VTFedit.


  • On the wall where Code A was found.
  • On the wall in the hidden room where Clue C can be heard.
  • In a hallway past a large shipping container in the first level of Lambda Complex
  • Found in "We've Got Hostiles!" in a shack . The shack also has a serial number on it: 4891
  • After a cart ride - on a side of a pipe submerged in toxic waste in "Blast Pit"

Below is a table listing the locations of every "The Pizza is a LIE!" graffiti in the game in both the 2012 Mod Release and the 2015 Steam Early Access Release of Black Mesa.

The locations have been found by searching for every instance of the decal texture for the "The Pizza is a LIE!" graffiti (decals/c2a4x_pizzalie_graffiti) in the .vmf source files of the maps. For the mod release of Black Mesa, the maps were decompiled in order to get the .vmf's. For the Steam release, the original .vmf's for the single player campaign included with the game were used, and just the multiplayer maps were decompiled.

Chapter Map Coordinates Notes
background01 -1424 9279.23 31.1351 [1]
background02 933.211 1778.45 448 [1]
background03 877.39 17.2209 1406.8 [1]
background04 288.63 320 35.8286 [1]
background05 1306.62 -980.002 -123.59 [1]
background06 -512 -569.287 -2106.15 [1]
background07 534.649 937.351 -149.763 [1]
background08 -848 640.79 277.068 [1]
background09 2882.5 -1024 240.401 [1]
background10 -1429.06 480 322.746 [1]
background10 -1348 480 385.327 [1]
background10 -1566.85 480 430.045 [1]
background10 -1595.59 480 315.546 [1]
background10 -1387.84 480 269.476 [1]
background10 -1291.63 480 319.204 [1]
background10 -1458.87 480 402.366 [1]
background10 -1522.54 480 292.418 [1]
background10 -1610.97 480 228.147 [1]
background10 -1406.43 480 226.742 [1]
background10 -1379.01 480 449.491 [1]
background11 1824 -1786 -244
background11 2992 -1869.25 -187.709 [1]
background11 2856 -78.6705 9.4848 [1]
background12 -1106.41 1939.51 -1758.62 [1]
background12 -1751.83 120.922 -1737.52 [1]
background13 -894.351 -1047.18 -382 [1]
background14 344 1413.71 -921.91 [1]
background14 344 1410.43 -863.767 [1]
background14 344 1482.74 -929.483 [1]
background14 344 1479.22 -862.519 [1]
background14 344 1412.53 -796.695 [1]
background14 344 1483.23 -797.234 [1]
Black Mesa Inbound bm_c0a0a 3012 3532 -356
bm_c0a0a 5086.06 2884 -1041.58
bm_c0a0a 4441.37 2636 -51.087
bm_c0a0b -280 6513.08 -1328.65
bm_c0a0b -789.627 2504 -1734.07
bm_c0a0b -726.279 2760 -1738.78
bm_c0a0b 889 -2819.31 -171.781
bm_c0a0b 426 -6434 169.326
bm_c0a0b 1952 -3212.98 189.53
Anomalous Materials bm_c1a0a -1362.79 -704.532 645.904
bm_c1a0a 930.802 -2512 -1115.2
Unforeseen Consequences bm_c1a1b -1091 -1041.59 704
bm_c1a1c -1916 -2549.71 -1095.36 [1]
bm_c1a1c -896.029 -2248 -942.568 [1]
bm_c1a1c -1525.62 -2272 -80.3711 [1]
bm_c1a1e -3768.31 -7200 -3172.15 [1]
Office Complex bm_c1a2c -1708 -400.891 209.779 [1]
We've Got Hostiles bm_c1a3a -1891.28 911.404 -128
bm_c1a3b -2924.46 184.063 176
Blast Pit bm_c1a4a -2161.79 3488 1613.75
bm_c1a4a -1963.55 -3891.33 -1257.22
bm_c1a4a -32 -5035.6299 -1102.27
-32 -5035.63 -1102.27
bm_c1a4c -4195.39 -832.399 -3462.54 [1]
On a Rail bm_c2a2a -40 2769.06 545.5 [1]
bm_c2a2c 3736.84 -2283.56 126.006 [1]
Apprehension bm_c2a3b -1140 -776.576 -3296.79 [1]
Residue Processing bm_c2a4b -604.421 -2920 -696.178
bm_c2a4c -1078.38 -327.876 112
Questionable Ethics bm_c2a4e 768 1768.31 269.035
bm_c2a4e 547 656 591.355
bm_c2a4f 1824 -1786 -244
bm_c2a4f 1663.49 1984 -333.833
bm_c2a4g 1760 1863 -352
bm_c2a4h 224 -4336 -296
bm_c2a4h -1657.45 -4195.52 -416
bm_c2a4h 2947.11 -1079.26 400
Surface Tension bm_c2a5a -2299.57 -3250.95 1854.72
bm_c2a5a 727.776 5459.61 1768 [1]
bm_c2a5c -2296.21 -4471.46 -9567.71
bm_c2a5f 3403.04 439.958 512 [1]
Forget About Freeman bm_c3a1b -1760.48 1376 -1498.58
Lambda Core bm_c3a2a 3043.69 -1261.05 -2496
bm_c3a2c -768 2896.71 309.212 [1]
bm_c3a2g 521 91.41 1615
bm_c3a2h -327 -1268.59 -945
dm_subtransit -64 3387.18 748.73 [1]
  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.24 1.25 1.26 1.27 1.28 1.29 1.30 1.31 1.32 1.33 1.34 1.35 1.36 1.37 1.38 1.39 1.40 1.41 1.42 1.43 New in Steam Release.
  2. Slight round-off difference between Mod Release and Steam Release coordinates. The highlighted coordinates are from the Steam Release.

How to jump to a location in-game

Main article: How to jump to a location in-game

See also
